Galaxy Bead Bracelet

Production Time: 15 Working Days
100 $3.53 each
500 $2.52 each
1000 $2.37 each
2000 $2.35 each
5000 $2.25 each
$50.00 each
This bracelet is handmade from man-made stones, which contains eight different colors of stones, corresponding to eight planets in solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. Those small black beads represent the outer space. The tiny shiny sliver powder on black beads represent the stars. One size fits most. Perfect for presenting as a gift or award to employees, co-workers, associates and friends. Many kinds of packing are available with your LOGO on it. We offer over 1,000 styles of beads jewelry & accessories.

Normal Production Time
15 Working Days

Product Size
Adult size

Additional Information
Product Colors: Assorted, Multi Color

Imprint Method: Engraved

Additional charges may apply

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